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You can now subscribe to the blog on the right side of the main page by entering your email address to receive an email each time a new post is published.

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Building a Sign Post

A few months ago, we purchased a Lucky Penny Acres sign. Last week, with the help of some visiting family, we were able to build a sign post and mount the sign in our front yard.

Here is a picture of the almost completed project with the sign mounted. We still need to paint the bare wood at some point and add a couple of lights, but it is otherwise complete.

Penny in front of the completed sign.

Penny in front of the completed sign with our tractor in the background.

Now visitors can find us that much easier!

Click through to see how it was made.

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April Showers

April showers bring May flowers is the phrase. I think that phrase usually refers to spring rain showers.

Temperatures reached into the 60’s and even the 70’s in February and March.  However, winter wasn’t over quite yet.

This past weekend we received around 6 to 8 inches of snow over 2 days – the largest single snow storm of the whole season!

And now temperatures are back into the low teens overnight. The high temperatures are expected to be back above freezing later this week and a lot of the snow will likely melt pretty soon, but a little more snow is forecast for this coming weekend.


Snow covered yard and pastures in April.

Snow covered yard and pastures in April.

Snow in the front yard in April.

Snow in the front yard in April.

Snow accumulation on a tree in April.

Snow accumulation on a tree in April.

With the previous warm weather, we were considering putting away the snow equipment for the summer. Luckily we hadn’t gotten around to putting it away just yet.

Egg Mystery Solved

A couple of weeks ago, at least one of our hens was laying some odd sized eggs, from tiny to extra large.

Here is a picture of the different sized eggs to help refresh your memory:

Different size eggs (likely from the same hen).

Different size eggs (likely from the same hen).

Well, we decided to crack open the eggs to see what, if anything, was inside.

Click through to see what we found.

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Waterfall in the Spring

With the recent warm spell, all of our snow and ice melted in a few days. We decided to hike up to our 35 foot tall waterfall and see what it looked like with what may be the highest water flow rate of the year (and to preemptively answer a question we get asked a lot: yes, the waterfall is on our property).

Our waterfall in the spring.

Our waterfall in the spring.

There was more water coming over the falls than at any of our prior visits to the falls, but even with temperatures having reached over 70 degrees in early March, there was still some ice around the falls.

Click through to see more pictures and a video of the falls.

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Cutting Down Trees (Take 2)

After a winter storm, we had 2 pine trees snap part way up their trunks and fall over.  Here is a picture a few days after they came down.

Two trees down during a winter storm.

Two trees down during a winter storm.

Long-time readers may recall that last time a tree came down, we were unable to handle it ourselves and instead we hired a tree service for assistance.  This time the trees were not immediately threatening to fall on any of the fences and the trees were a little smaller in diameter, so we decided to try to handle it ourselves.

This was made possible by a new tool we received as a holiday gift..

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A Tractor!

We bought a tractor! You can’t have a real farm without at least one tractor.

Our First Tractor!

Our First Tractor!

We recently bought a 1967 Massey Ferguson 2200 industrial tractor.  The tractor has a 39 hp gas engine. This particular one came with an attached front end loader (with a rated lift capacity of 3,300 lbs) and a partial cab. It also came with a heavily used brush hog (which is basically a powerful mower to cut through brush and dense weeds).

Click through for more pictures and information on the tractor.

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Building a Goat Feeding Bin

We normally use rubber feed bins to feed the goats their grain and minerals.  The rubber bins normally just sit right on the ground. The goats sometimes step in the bins and flip them over, spilling out any grain or minerals onto the ground. This wastes food as the goats typically refuse to eat most food that has touched the ground (except of course for live grass or other plants that they graze on…).

Rosebud using a rubber feeding bin on the ground.

Rosebud using a rubber feeding bin on the ground.

I wanted to build a better feeding bin for the goats, but without having to spend a lot of money.

Click through for a more detailed guide to build an elevated goat feeding bin.

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Annual Farming Costs and Socks Update

Several readers have asked how much it costs to care for the animals.

All 5 goats hang out in the pasture (with the cows in the background)

All 5 goats hang out in the pasture (with the cows in the background)

I did not keep very close track of the specific recurring expenses for just the animals since we moved in so I do not currently have a very good estimate.  However, starting from January 1, 2016 I am going to keep close track of all of the normal recurring expenses for the animals and post the total costs periodically for those interested.

For those who are interested in such details, these costs won’t include any allocation of the cost of the land, property taxes, electricity to run the well pumps, costs of the farm sitter during trips or our time, but rather just straight out of pocket expenses of a recurring nature that are easily identifiable as connected to the animals. This also won’t include one-time infrastructure spending like the materials needed to build a feeding station or pen.

Click through for the current total and an update on the fiber processing.

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