We have some new baby chicks!
We are currently raising 3 bantam white cochin hens to add to our flock. Bantams are smaller breeds than typical hens – usually about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of a regular hen. White Cochins are a breed of chicken that has fluffy feathers including feathered legs and feet.
Here is a video of the baby chicks shortly after they arrived home:
Click through for more pictures and information about the baby chicks.
These baby chicks are around 6 weeks old in these pictures and videos. Bantams grow slower than normal chickens so they are only the size of 3 to 4 week old non-bantam chicks.
They can’t handle normal overnight temperatures outside for a few more weeks so we have them inside the house in a crate for now. They need to be full adult size before we can integrate them into the flock or else they could get attacked by the adult hens. These bantams need to be about 12 weeks old before they are ready to join the main flock.
Bantams are known for being a bit more wild and often have the ability to fly better than normal size breeds. There is a risk that one or all of them might fly away once we release them into the flock.
We try to help tame them by feeding them treats by hand and letting them climb on and around us outside their cage for a short time each day. They especially like to climb to higher points above them, including up to our heads and shoulders.
Hopefully they will learn to trust us and will stick around in the main flock once fully grown. More details to come as they grow up!