The View from the Top

Even though we moved in over the summer, I just recently had the chance to walk through our woods all the way to the end of our property on the top of the mountain. The farthest we had been previously up the mountain was to the bottom of the waterfall; we had never made it all the way to the top of the mountain.

A view of Song Lake from half way up the mountain.

A view of Song Lake from half way up the mountain.

While the forest is fairly dense, there were a few openings providing nice views of the surrounding area.

Song Lake through the trees.

Song Lake through the trees.

Here is the view of the countryside from the top of the mountain:

The top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain.

The hike was not the easiest hike, not just due to the steep slopes, but also the tons and tons of undergrowth with lots of thorns all over the mountain making progress slow and painful in some locations.

One day, we might be able to carve out a bit of a hiking trail to the top.

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